Selasa, 17 Mei 2011


Who is Metropolis?

Early rumors that circulated said Metropolis was a collaboration between Skrillex and Porter Robinson, but via Fresh Wet Paint it seems that Metropolis is actually Pance Party. After watching this preview of four songs off the upcoming EP, I don't care who they are, I'm just excited for them to release some music!

In case anyone has doubts about Metropolis' identity, here are all the facts so you can decide for yourself:
1. Metropolis' Facebook and SoundCloud only follows Skrillex, Porter Robinson and Slush Management (the official artist management company for Porter Robinson). *this is why the Skrillex/Porter Robinson collaboration rumors started.
2. Metropolis' Facebook page lists San Francisco as its current location--Pance Party is from SF.
3. Peacetreaty made a mixtape including a track credited as "Metropolis – Trafalgar" while Pance Party also has a track titled "Trafalgar."
4. Metropolis played at EDC Orlando where people said it was NOT Skrillex & P.R. but Pance Party.

Mystery solved.

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